The Lancet Neurology
1. [Articles] Safety and efficacy of memantine and trazodone versus placebo for motor neuron disease (MND SMART): stage two interim analysis from the first cycle of a phase 3, multiarm, multistage, randomised, adaptive platform trial Suvankar Pal, Jeremy Chataway, Robert Swingler, Malcolm R Macleod, Neil O Carragher, Giles Hardingham, Bhuvaneish Thangaraj Selvaraj, Colin Smith, Charis Wong, Judith Newton, Dawn Lyle, Amy Stenson, Rachel S Dakin, Amarachi Ihenacho, Shuna Colville, Arpan R Mehta, Nigel Stallard, James R Carpenter, Richard A Parker, Catriona Keerie, Christopher J Weir, Bruce Virgo, Stevie Morris, Nicola Waters, Beverley Gray, Donald MacDonald, Euan MacDonald, Mahesh K B Parmar, Siddharthan Chandran, MND SMART Investigators
2. [Articles] Safety and efficacy of evobrutinib in relapsing multiple sclerosis (evolutionRMS1 and evolutionRMS2): two multicentre, randomised, double-blind, active-controlled, phase 3 trials Xavier Montalban, Patrick Vermersch, Douglas L Arnold, Amit Bar-Or, Bruce A C Cree, Anne H Cross, Eva Kubala Havrdova, Ludwig Kappos, Olaf Stuve, Heinz Wiendl, Jerry S Wolinsky, Frank Dahlke, Claire Le Bolay, Li Shen Loo, Sathej Gopalakrishnan, Yann Hyvert, Andrija Javor, Hans Guehring, Nadia Tenenbaum, Davorka Tomic, evolutionRMS investigators
3. [Comment] Trial designs for motor neuron disease in the 21st century Steve Vucic
4. [Comment] Evobrutinib in multiple sclerosis: challenges and unmet goals Anneke van der Walt
5. [Correspondence] Equitable access to levetiracetam for people with epilepsy Arjune Sen, Neerja Chowdhary, Asma Hallab, Michele Romoli, J Helen Cross, Bernadette Cappello
6. [Personal View] Frailty for neurologists: perspectives on how frailty influences care planning Marco Canevelli, Caitlin Jackson-Tarlton, Kenneth Rockwood
7. [Comment] Looking beyond the neurological diagnosis: considering frailty A Jon Stoessl
8. [In Context] Learning to be an adult with a disability Jules Morgan
9. [In Context] On how a brain beholds beauty Rui Araújo
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2024-09-20 [Articles] Safety and efficacy of memantine and trazodone versus placebo for motor neuron disease (MND SMART): stage two interim analysis from the first cycle of a phase 3, multiarm, multistage, randomised, adaptive platform trial Suvankar Pal, Jeremy Chataway, Robert Swingler, Malcolm R Macleod, Neil O Carragher, Giles Hardingham, Bhuvaneish Thangaraj Selvaraj, Colin Smith, Charis Wong, Judith Newton, Dawn Lyle, Amy Stenson, Rachel S Dakin, Amarachi Ihenacho, Shuna Colville, Arpan
2024-09-20 [Articles] Safety and efficacy of evobrutinib in relapsing multiple sclerosis (evolutionRMS1 and evolutionRMS2): two multicentre, randomised, double-blind, active-controlled, phase 3 trials Xavier Montalban, Patrick Vermersch, Douglas L Arnold, Amit Bar-Or, Bruce A C Cree, Anne H Cross, Eva Kubala Havrdova, Ludwig Kappos, Olaf Stuve, Heinz Wiendl, Jerry S Wolinsky, Frank Dahlke, Claire Le Bolay, Li Shen Loo, Sathej Gopalakrishnan, Yann Hyver
2024-09-20 [Comment] Trial designs for motor neuron disease in the 21st century Steve Vucic
2024-09-20 [Comment] Evobrutinib in multiple sclerosis: challenges and unmet goals Anneke van der Walt
2024-09-19 [Correspondence] Equitable access to levetiracetam for people with epilepsy Arjune Sen, Neerja Chowdhary, Asma Hallab, Michele Romoli, J Helen Cross, Bernadette Cappello
2024-09-12 [Personal View] Frailty for neurologists: perspectives on how frailty influences care planning Marco Canevelli, Caitlin Jackson-Tarlton, Kenneth Rockwood
2024-09-12 [Comment] Looking beyond the neurological diagnosis: considering frailty A Jon Stoessl
2024-09-11 [In Context] Learning to be an adult with a disability Jules Morgan
2024-08-23 [Correspondence] The Yaoundé Declaration Alfred K Njamnshi, Agustin Ibanez, Gagandeep Singh, Mika Pyykko, Vladimir Hachinski, Harris A Eyre, Scientific Technical Committee
2024-07-27 [Comment] Amyloid β, γ-secretase, and familial Alzheimer's disease Marie-Claude Potier, Harald Steiner, Lucía Chávez-Gutiérrez
2024-07-27 [Articles] γ-Secretase activity, clinical features, and biomarkers of autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network observational study (DIAN-OBS) Stephanie A Schultz, Lei Liu, Aaron P Schultz, Colleen D Fitzpatrick, Raina Levin, Jean-Pierre Bellier, Zahra Shirzadi, Nelly Joseph-Mathurin, Charles D Chen, Tammie L S Benzinger, Gregory S Day, Martin R Farlow, Brian A Gordon, Jason J Hassenstab, Cliffo
2024-07-27 [Articles] Endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke with established large infarct (TENSION): 12-month outcomes of a multicentre, open-label, randomised trial Götz Thomalla, Jens Fiehler, Fabien Subtil, Susanne Bonekamp, Anne Hege Aamodt, Blanca Fuentes, Elke R Gizewski, Michael D Hill, Antonin Krajina, Laurent Pierot, Claus Z Simonsen, Kamil Zeleňák, Rolf A Blauenfeldt, Bastian Cheng, Angélique Denis, Hannes D
2024-07-27 [Comment] Endovascular thrombectomy for large ischaemic stroke: outcomes beyond 90 days Takeshi Morimoto, Fumihiro Sakakibara
2024-07-24 [Articles] Safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of antisense oligonucleotide BIIB078 in adults with C9orf72-associated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a phase 1, randomised, double blinded, placebo-controlled, multiple ascending dose study Leonard H van den Berg, Jeffrey D Rothstein, Pamela J Shaw, Suma Babu, Michael Benatar, Robert C Bucelli, Angela Genge, Jonathan D Glass, Orla Hardiman, Vincenzo Libri, Theodore Mobach, Björn Oskarsson, Gary L Pattee, John Ravits, Christopher E Shaw, Mark
2024-07-24 [Comment] Targeting C9orf72 in people with ALS Susanne Petri
2024-07-23 [In Context] On how a brain beholds beauty Rui Araújo
2024-07-19 [Correspondence] World Brain Day 2024: a focus on brain health and prevention Wolfgang Grisold, David W Dodick, Alla Guekht, Steven L Lewis, Tissa Wijeratne
2024-06-28 [Articles] Prognostic value of tissue bridges in cervical spinal cord injury: a longitudinal, multicentre, retrospective cohort study Dario Pfyffer, Andrew C Smith, Kenneth A Weber, Andreas Grillhoesl, Orpheus Mach, Christina Draganich, Jeffrey C Berliner, Candace Tefertiller, Iris Leister, Doris Maier, Jan M Schwab, Alan Thompson, Armin Curt, Patrick Freund
2024-06-28 [Review] Effects of spaceflight on the brain Rachael D Seidler, Xiao Wen Mao, Grant D Tays, Tianyi Wang, Peter zu Eulenburg
2024-06-28 [Comment] Tissue bridge widths and outcome after spinal cord injury James Guest
2024-06-26 [Review] Sleep and sleep disorders in people with Parkinson's disease Alex Iranzo, Valerie Cochen De Cock, María Livia Fantini, Laura Pérez-Carbonell, Lynn Marie Trotti
2024-06-22 [Articles] Bailout intracranial angioplasty or stenting following thrombectomy for acute large vessel occlusion in China (ANGEL-REBOOT): a multicentre, open-label, blinded-endpoint, randomised controlled trial Feng Gao, Xu Tong, Baixue Jia, Ming Wei, Yuesong Pan, Ming Yang, Dapeng Sun, Thanh N Nguyen, Zeguang Ren, Francis Demiraj, Xiaoxi Yao, Chenghua Xu, Guangxiong Yuan, Yue Wan, Jianjun Tang, Jing Wang, Yuanfei Jiang, Chaobin Wang, Xiang Luo, Haihua Yang, Rui
2024-06-22 [Comment] Bailout angioplasty or stenting for large vessel occlusion Joanna M Roy, Stavropoula Tjoumakaris
2024-06-21 [Articles] Collateral-based selection for endovascular treatment of acute ischaemic stroke in the late window (MR CLEAN-LATE): 2-year follow-up of a phase 3, multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial in the Netherlands Ilse Huijberts, Florentina M E Pinckaers, Susanne G H Olthuis, Sander M J van Kuijk, Alida A Postma, Hieronymus D Boogaarts, Yvo B W E M Roos, Charles B L M Majoie, Aad van der Lugt, Diederik W J Dippel, Wim H van Zwam, Robert J van Oostenbrugge, MR CLEAN
2024-06-21 [Comment] Durable benefit of thrombectomy 6–24 h after stroke onset Bruce C V Campbell
2024-06-14 [Articles] Tenecteplase versus alteplase for thrombolysis in patients selected by use of perfusion imaging within 4·5 h of onset of ischaemic stroke (TASTE): a multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 3 non-inferiority trial Mark W Parsons, Vignan Yogendrakumar, Leonid Churilov, Carlos Garcia-Esperon, Bruce C V Campbell, Michelle L Russell, Gagan Sharma, Chushuang Chen, Longting Lin, Beng Lim Chew, Felix C Ng, Akshay Deepak, Philip M C Choi, Timothy J Kleinig, Dennis J Cordat
2024-06-14 [Comment] Tenecteplase versus alteplase in stroke thrombolysis: the last piece of the puzzle? Kazunori Toyoda
2024-06-13 [Articles] Optimal drainage time after evacuation of chronic subdural haematoma (DRAIN TIME 2): a multicentre, randomised, multiarm and multistage non-inferiority trial in Denmark Mads Hjortdal Grønhøj, Thorbjørn Søren Rønn Jensen, Rares Miscov, Ann Kathrine Sindby, Birgit Debrabant, Torben Hundsholt, Carsten Reidies Bjarkam, Bo Bergholt, Kåre Fugleholm, Frantz Rom Poulsen, DACSUHS group
2024-06-13 [Comment] Management of subdural haematoma: optimising drainage Amjad Elmashala, Jonathan Rosand
2024-06-07 [In Context] Caring for the carers: the power of personal stories Udani Samarasekera
2024-05-21 [Articles] Safety and efficacy of arimoclomol in patients with early amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ORARIALS-01): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre, phase 3 trial Michael Benatar, Thomas Hansen, Dror Rom, Marie A Geist, Thomas Blaettler, William Camu, Magdalena Kuzma-Kozakiewicz, Leonard H van den Berg, Raul Juntas Morales, Adriano Chio, Peter M Andersen, Pierre-Francois Pradat, Dale Lange, Philip Van Damme, Gabrie
2024-05-21 [Comment] Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a lesson in translation Orla Hardiman
2024-05-17 [Articles] Specialist physiotherapy for functional motor disorder in England and Scotland (Physio4FMD): a pragmatic, multicentre, phase 3 randomised controlled trial Glenn Nielsen, Jon Stone, Teresa C Lee, Laura H Goldstein, Louise Marston, Rachael Maree Hunter, Alan Carson, Kate Holt, Jon Marsden, Marie Le Novere, Irwin Nazareth, Hayley Noble, Markus Reuber, Ann-Marie Strudwick, Beatriz Santana Suarez, Mark J Edwards
2024-05-17 [Comment] Progress in physical therapy for functional motor disorder Mark Hallett
2024-05-16 [Articles] Safety and efficacy of active blood-pressure reduction to the recommended thresholds for intravenous thrombolysis in patients with acute ischaemic stroke in the Netherlands (TRUTH): a prospective, observational, cluster-based, parallel-group st Thomas P Zonneveld, Sarah E Vermeer, Erik W van Zwet, Adrien E D Groot, Ale Algra, Leo A M Aerden, Kees C L Alblas, Frank de Beer, Paul J A M Brouwers, Koen de Gans, H Maarten A van Gemert, Bart C A M van Ginneken, Gerke S Grooters, Patricia H A Halkes, T
2024-05-16 [Comment] Challenging the management of blood pressure before intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke Verónica V Olavarría
2024-04-20 [Articles] Tranexamic acid versus placebo in individuals with intracerebral haemorrhage treated within 2 h of symptom onset (STOP-MSU): an international, double-blind, randomised, phase 2 trial Nawaf Yassi, Henry Zhao, Leonid Churilov, Teddy Y Wu, Henry Ma, Huy-Thang Nguyen, Andrew Cheung, Atte Meretoja, Duy Ton Mai, Timothy Kleinig, Jiann-Shing Jeng, Philip M C Choi, Phuc Dang Duc, Helen Brown, Annemarei Ranta, Neil Spratt, Geoffrey C Cloud, Ha
2024-04-19 [Corrections] Correction to Lancet Neurol 2024; 23: 393–403
2024-04-18 [Articles] Medical management and surgery versus medical management alone for symptomatic cerebral cavernous malformation (CARE): a feasibility study and randomised, open, pragmatic, pilot phase trial CARE pilot trial collaboration
2024-04-11 [Articles] RAB32 Ser71Arg in autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease: linkage, association, and functional analyses Emil K Gustavsson, Jordan Follett, Joanne Trinh, Sandeep K Barodia, Raquel Real, Zhiyong Liu, Melissa Grant-Peters, Jesse D Fox, Silke Appel-Cresswell, A Jon Stoessl, Alex Rajput, Ali H Rajput, Roland Auer, Russel Tilney, Marc Sturm, Tobias B Haack, Suzan
2024-04-11 [Comment] New gene involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease Mathias Toft

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