Genome Biology and Evolution


1. Modeling Substitution Rate Evolution across Lineages and Relaxing the Molecular Clock
2. Correction to: The Enigmatic Non-Transposon PIWI-interacting RNAs
3. Correction to: Chromosome-Level Reference Genome of the Ponza Grayling (Hipparchia sbordonii), an Italian Endemic and Endangered Butterfly
4. Correlation Between Subgenome-biased DNA Loss and DNA Transposon Activation Following Hybridization in the Allotetraploid Xenopus Frogs
5. Where the “ruber” Meets the Road: Using the Genome of the Red Diamond Rattlesnake to Unravel the Evolutionary Processes Driving Venom Evolution
6. Azooxanthellate Palythoa (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) Genomes Reveal Toxin-related Gene Clusters and Loss of Neuronal Genes in Hexacorals
7. A New Model and Dating for the Evolution of Complex Plastids of Red Alga Origin
8. Assessing Mechanisms of Potential Local Adaptation Through a Seascape Genomic Approach in a Marine Gastropod, Littoraria flava
9. Genomic Diversity Illuminates the Environmental Adaptation of Drosophila suzukii
10. The Genomic and Cultural Diversity of the Inka Qhapaq Hucha Ceremony in Chile and Argentina
11. Highlight: 40th Anniversary Virtual Issues: Epigenetics and Evolution
12. New Insights into the Diversity of Mitochondrial Plastid DNA
13. Natural Transposable Element Insertions Contribute to Host Fitness in Model Yeasts
14. Fundamental Patterns of Structural Evolution Revealed by Chromosome-Length Genomes of Cactophilic Drosophila
15. Comparative Genomics Uncovers the Evolutionary Dynamics of Detoxification and Insecticide Target Genes Across 11 Phlebotomine Sand Flies
16. Correction to: Genetic and Functional Diversity Help Explain Pathogenic, Weakly Pathogenic, and Commensal Lifestyles in the Genus Xanthomonas
17. Mitochondrial Variation in Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii: Phylogeographic Legacy and Mitonuclear Associations With Metabolic Resistance to Pathogens and Insecticides
18. Comparative Population Genomics of Arctic Sled Dogs Reveals a Deep and Complex History
19. De Novo Genome Assemblies From Two Indigenous Americans from Arizona Identify New Polymorphisms in Non-Reference Sequences
20. Evolution of Opsin Genes in Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera)
21. Evolution of Key Oxygen-Sensing Genes Is Associated with Hypoxia Tolerance in Fishes
22. Tracing Homopolymers in Oikopleura dioica's Mitogenome
23. Evolutionary Insights from the Mitochondrial Genome of Oikopleura dioica: Sequencing Challenges, RNA Editing, Gene Transfers to the Nucleus, and tRNA Loss
24. Investigating Additive and Replacing Horizontal Gene Transfers Using Phylogenies and Whole Genomes
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近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-09-28 Modeling Substitution Rate Evolution across Lineages and Relaxing the Molecular Clock
2024-09-26 Correction to: The Enigmatic Non-Transposon PIWI-interacting RNAs
2024-09-25 Correction to: Chromosome-Level Reference Genome of the Ponza Grayling (Hipparchia sbordonii), an Italian Endemic and Endangered Butterfly
2024-09-25 Where the “ruber” Meets the Road: Using the Genome of the Red Diamond Rattlesnake to Unravel the Evolutionary Processes Driving Venom Evolution
2024-09-25 Genomic Diversity Illuminates the Environmental Adaptation of Drosophila suzukii
2024-09-21 Correlation Between Subgenome-biased DNA Loss and DNA Transposon Activation Following Hybridization in the Allotetraploid Xenopus Frogs
2024-09-20 Azooxanthellate Palythoa (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) Genomes Reveal Toxin-related Gene Clusters and Loss of Neuronal Genes in Hexacorals
2024-09-20 A New Model and Dating for the Evolution of Complex Plastids of Red Alga Origin
2024-09-20 Assessing Mechanisms of Potential Local Adaptation Through a Seascape Genomic Approach in a Marine Gastropod, Littoraria flava
2024-09-20 Comparative Genomics Uncovers the Evolutionary Dynamics of Detoxification and Insecticide Target Genes Across 11 Phlebotomine Sand Flies
2024-09-19 The Genomic and Cultural Diversity of the Inka Qhapaq Hucha Ceremony in Chile and Argentina
2024-09-19 Natural Transposable Element Insertions Contribute to Host Fitness in Model Yeasts
2024-09-19 Fundamental Patterns of Structural Evolution Revealed by Chromosome-Length Genomes of Cactophilic Drosophila
2024-09-19 Comparative Population Genomics of Arctic Sled Dogs Reveals a Deep and Complex History
2024-09-19 De Novo Genome Assemblies From Two Indigenous Americans from Arizona Identify New Polymorphisms in Non-Reference Sequences
2024-09-19 Evolution of Opsin Genes in Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera)
2024-09-19 Tracing Homopolymers in Oikopleura dioica's Mitogenome
2024-09-19 Evolutionary Insights from the Mitochondrial Genome of Oikopleura dioica: Sequencing Challenges, RNA Editing, Gene Transfers to the Nucleus, and tRNA Loss
2024-09-19 Investigating Additive and Replacing Horizontal Gene Transfers Using Phylogenies and Whole Genomes
2024-09-05 Highlight: 40th Anniversary Virtual Issues: Epigenetics and Evolution
2024-09-05 New Insights into the Diversity of Mitochondrial Plastid DNA
2024-09-04 Correction to: Genetic and Functional Diversity Help Explain Pathogenic, Weakly Pathogenic, and Commensal Lifestyles in the Genus Xanthomonas
2024-09-04 Mitochondrial Variation in Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii: Phylogeographic Legacy and Mitonuclear Associations With Metabolic Resistance to Pathogens and Insecticides
2024-09-04 Evolution of Key Oxygen-Sensing Genes Is Associated with Hypoxia Tolerance in Fishes
2024-08-30 Sequence, Structure, and Functional Space of Drosophila De Novo Proteins
2024-08-30 De Novo Emerged Gene Search in Eukaryotes with DENSE
2024-08-30 Mitochondrial DNA of the Demosponge Acanthella acuta: Linear Architecture and Other Unique Features
2024-08-29 Accumulation of Large Lineage-Specific Repeats Coincides with Sequence Acceleration and Structural Rearrangement in Plantago Plastomes
2024-08-29 Reduction of Ribosomal Expansion Segments in Yeast Species of the Magnusiomyces/Saprochaete Clade
2024-08-29 Selection and Gene Duplication Associated With High-Elevation Diversification in Pristimantis, the Largest Terrestrial Vertebrate Genus
2024-08-29 Draft Genome of Akame (Lates Japonicus) Reveals Possible Genetic Mechanisms for Long-Term Persistence and Adaptive Evolution with Low Genetic Diversity
2024-08-29 Genomic Underpinnings of Cytoplasmic Incompatibility: CIF Gene-Neighborhood Diversification Through Extensive Lateral Transfers and Recombination in Wolbachia
2024-08-29 Evolution of the Genetic Code in the Ascoideales (CUG-Ser2) Yeast Clade: The Ancestral tRNA-Leu(CAG) Gene Is Retained in Most Saccharomycopsis Species but Is Nonessential and Not Used for Translation
2024-08-22 Genetic Signatures of Positive Selection in Human Populations Adapted to High Altitude in Papua New Guinea
2024-08-20 Highlight: From Prey to Pathogen—The Role of Predation in Driving Virulence
2024-08-20 Chromosome-Scale Assembly and Annotation of Eight Arabidopsis thaliana Ecotypes
2024-08-20 Genomic and Transcriptomic Insights into the Evolution of C4 Photosynthesis in Grasses
2024-08-20 Early Diversification of Membrane Intrinsic Proteins (MIPs) in Eukaryotes
2024-08-20 Molecular Mechanisms of Temperature Tolerance Plasticity in an Arthropod
2024-08-20 Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of the Viviparous Eelpout Zoarces viviparus
2024-08-20 Dynamic Expansions and Retinal Expression of Spectrally Distinct Short-Wavelength Opsin Genes in Sea Snakes
2024-08-20 Making a Pathogen? Evaluating the Impact of Protist Predation on the Evolution of Virulence in Serratia marcescens
2024-08-08 Revisiting Dominance in Population Genetics
2024-08-08 Plethora of New Marsupial Genomes Informs Our Knowledge of Marsupial MHC Class II
2024-08-08 Differential Conservation and Loss of Chicken Repeat 1 (CR1) Retrotransposons in Squamates Reveal Lineage-Specific Genome Dynamics Across Reptiles
2024-08-08 Transcriptomic Response to Pyrethroid Treatment in Closely Related Bed Bug Strains Varying in Resistance
2024-08-08 The Structure of Simple Satellite Variation in the Human Genome and Its Correlation With Centromere Ancestry
2024-08-05 Lessons from Extremophiles: Functional Adaptations and Genomic Innovations across the Eukaryotic Tree of Life
2024-08-05 Molecular Insights into the Low Complexity Secreted Venom of Calliactis polypus
2024-08-05 Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction as a Tool to Detect and Study De Novo Gene Emergence
2024-07-29 Diversity of Sex Chromosomes in Vertebrates: Six Novel Sex Chromosomes in Basal Haplochromines (Teleostei: Cichlidae)
2024-07-29 Unanticipated Loss of Inflammasomes in Birds
2024-07-29 De Novo Long-Read Genome Assembly and Annotation of the Luna Moth (Actias luna) Fully Resolves Repeat-Rich Silk Genes
2024-07-29 Patterns of Genetic Diversity and Gene Flow Associated With an Aridity Gradient in Populations of Common Mole-rats, Cryptomys hottentotus hottentotus
2024-07-29 Duplications and Retrogenes Are Numerous and Widespread in Modern Canine Genomic Assemblies
2024-07-29 DNA Transposons Favor De Novo Transcript Emergence Through Enrichment of Transcription Factor Binding Motifs
2024-07-29 Molecular Dating of the Teleost Whole Genome Duplication (3R) Is Compatible With the Expectations of Delayed Rediploidization
2024-07-29 Gene Protein Sequence Evolution Can Predict the Rapid Divergence of Ovariole Numbers in the Drosophila melanogaster Subgroup
2024-07-18 Chromosome-Level Reference Genome of the Ponza Grayling (Hipparchia sbordonii), an Italian Endemic and Endangered Butterfly
2024-07-18 Chromosome-Level Assembly and Annotation of the Genome of the Endangered Giant Patagonian Bumble Bee Bombus dahlbomii
2024-07-18 Chromosome-Scale Genome Assembly for Soft-Stem Bulrush (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani) Confirms a Clade-Specific Whole-Genome Duplication in Cyperaceae
2024-07-18 What Makes a Mimic? Orange, Red, and Black Color Production in the Mimic Poison Frog (Ranitomeya imitator)
2024-07-18 Comparative Genomic Analysis of the Pattern of Evolution of Male and Female Reproductive Proteins in Seed Beetles
2024-07-18 First Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of a Ribbon Worm from the Hoplonemertea Clade, Emplectonema gracile, and Its Structural Annotation
2024-07-15 Pan-Genome Provides Insights into Vibrio Evolution and Adaptation to Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents
2024-07-15 Long-Read–Based Hybrid Genome Assembly and Annotation of Snow Algal Strain CCCryo 101-99 (cf. Sphaerocystis sp., Chlamydomonadales)
2024-07-15 Using Runs of Homozygosity and Machine Learning to Disentangle Sources of Inbreeding and Infer Self-Fertilization Rates
2024-07-13 Highlight: Striking Discoveries in Rattlesnake Venom Evolution
2024-07-13 40th Anniversary Virtual Issues: Recombination and Meiosis
2024-07-13 A Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly and Annotation for the Oecanthus rufescens (Orthoptera: Oecanthidae)
2024-07-13 Differential Regulation of Opsin Gene Expression in Response to Internal and External Stimuli
2024-07-13 Diverse Gene Regulatory Mechanisms Alter Rattlesnake Venom Gene Expression at Fine Evolutionary Scales
2024-07-09 Genome-Wide Gene Birth–Death Dynamics Are Associated with Diet Breadth Variation in Lepidoptera
2024-07-09 Limited Parallelism in Genetic Adaptation to Brackish Water Bodies in European Sprat and Atlantic Herring
2024-07-09 Modeling Length Changes in De Novo Open Reading Frames during Neutral Evolution
2024-07-09 Comparative Genomics and the Salivary Transcriptome of the Redbanded Stink Bug Shed Light on Its High Damage Potential to Soybean
2024-07-04 High Polymorphism Levels of De Novo ORFs in a Yoruba Human Population
2024-07-04 Genomic Consequences of Isolation and Inbreeding in an Island Dingo Population
2024-07-04 The Nitroplast and Its Relatives Support a Universal Model of Features Predicting Gene Retention in Endosymbiont and Organelle Genomes
2024-07-04 Expression of Truncated Products at the 5′-Terminal Region of RIPK2 and Evolutive Aspects that Support Their Biological Importance
2024-06-29 A Novel Approach to Comparative RNA-Seq Does Not Support a Conserved Set of Orthologs Underlying Animal Regeneration
2024-06-29 Selection Shapes the Genomic Landscape of Introgressed Ancestry in a Pair of Sympatric Sea Urchin Species
2024-06-24 Charophytic Green Algae Encode Ancestral Polymerase IV/Polymerase V Subunits and a CLSY/DRD1 Homolog
2024-06-21 Telomere-to-telomere Genome Assembly of the Clubroot Pathogen Plasmodiophora Brassicae
2024-06-15 Pseudomonas putida Dynamics of Adaptation under Prolonged Resource Exhaustion
2024-06-15 Examining the Effects of Temperature on the Evolution of Bacterial tRNA Pools
2024-06-15 Ancient Sheep Genomes Reveal Four Millennia of North European Short-Tailed Sheep in the Baltic Sea Region
2024-06-15 The Maintenance of Deleterious Variation in Wild Chinese Rhesus Macaques
2024-06-15 Conifers Concentrate Large Numbers of NLR Immune Receptor Genes on One Chromosome
2024-06-06 Endosymbioses Have Shaped the Evolution of Biological Diversity and Complexity Time and Time Again
2024-06-06 The Rapid Evolution of De Novo Proteins in Structure and Complex
2024-06-06 Genome Assembly of the Dyeing Poison Frog Provides Insights into the Dynamics of Transposable Element and Genome-Size Evolution
2024-06-06 A Synergistic, Cultivator Model of De Novo Gene Origination
2024-06-06 Matreex: Compact and Interactive Visualization for Scalable Studies of Large Gene Families
2024-05-24 40th Anniversary Virtual Issues: F-statistics and Population Structure
2024-05-24 The Evolution and Characterization of the RNA Interference Pathways in Lophotrochozoa
2024-05-23 Genome Evolution and Introgression in the New Zealand mud Snails Potamopyrgus estuarinus and Potamopyrgus kaitunuparaoa
2024-05-23 Gene Function is a Driver of Activin Signaling Pathway Evolution Following Whole-Genome Duplication in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
2024-05-23 Effects of Arboviral Infections on Transposable Element Transcript Levels in Aedes aegypti
2024-05-22 Highlight: Lost Traits and the Persistence of Complexity

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